“ To Be Burnt as a Witch.”

That you rode whistling down the lane,1
And saw me passing and found me fair,2
And turning, checked your horse again—3
This is the reason of all my care.4
And saw me passing and found me fair,5
That it was June and we were young—6
This is the reason of all my care,7
This is the sin that I have done.8
That it was June and we were young,9
That we danced thrice at the harvest ball ;10
This is the sin that I have done—11
Great sin to be fairest of them all.12
That we danced thrice at the harvest ball,13
That my heart was beating with joy and pride ;14
Great sin to be fairest of them all15
When my fairness chained you to my side.16
That my heart was beating with joy and pride,17
That on my lips your name must falter ;18
That my fairness chained you to my side,19
That you prayed to me instead of the altar.20
That on my lips your name must falter ;21
That in church we heeded not psalm nor prayer,22
That you prayed to me instead of the altar,23
That I could not pray because you were there.24
That church we heeded not psalm nor prayer,25
That I was a beggar and you were rich ;26
That I could not pray because you were there—27
Cause enough they should call me witch.28
That I was a beggar and you were rich,29
That my beauty needed not spell nor charm ;30
Cause enough they should call me witch,31
Proof enough I should work you harm.32
That my beauty needed not spell nor charm,33
That you stooped to woo without shame or fear—34
Proof enough I should work you harm ;35
I should wish you dead whom I held so dear.36
That you stooped to woo without shame or fear,37
That my love for you was as heaven wide ;38
I should wish you dead that I held so dear,39
That my heart within me broke and died.40
That my love for you was as heaven wide,41
That you heeded me, not your horse’s steps ;42
That my heart within me broke and died,43
That my name was the last word on your lips.44
That you heeded me, not your horse’s steps—45
Proof that I wrought the mischief dire ;46
That my name was the last word on your lips—47
All deaths are too kind for a witch, save fire,48
Proof that I wrought the mischief dire,49
I—whom a week would have seen your bride !50
All deaths are too kind for a witch, save fire ;51
All deaths are kind that lead to your side.52

I, whom a week would have seen your bride53
I, to believe that my love was your bane !54
All deaths are kind that lead to your side,55
Love that is stronger than death or pain.56
I, to believe that my love was your bane,57
Because you, passing, had found me fair !58
Love that is stronger than death or pain—59
This is the reason of all my care60