A Child Flower

Figure descriptions
A dense collection of wild daffodils. There is a fully opened daffodil at the center of the illustration. An unopened bud reaches up and to the right, toward the poem title at the top of the page. 1/8-page illustration partially contained within a single-ruled border. The border begins half way down the left edge, extends along the full bottom edge, and ascends half way up the right edge. This illustration borders the left edge of the poem text.
A mirrored image of the first illustration, depicting a dense collection of wild daffodils. There is a fully opened daffodil at the center of the illustration. An unopened bud reaches up and to the left, toward the poem title at the top of the page. 1/8-page illustration partially contained within a single-ruled border. The border begins half way down the left edge, extends along the full bottom edge, and ascends half way up the right edge. This illustration borders the right edge of the poem text.