A horse-drawn carriage moving through a forest. Full-page illustration contained within
a double-ruled rectangular
A Song For March.

Blow, winds of March
! Awake, awake !1
Bid all the sleeping world arise.2
The sunlit waves to laughter break,3
The lark flies singing to the skies ;4
The happy earth, untouched by age,5
With rapture ever new shall ring,—6
Let winter’s fiercest tempests rage,7
They cannot kill her deathless spring.8
Blow, winds of March ! Awake, awake !9
Sweep dreams and shadows far away.10
The night is past,—let each man take11
Fresh courage for the coming day.12
For sleep, however sweet, is death,13
And life and light mean battle sore ;—14
Then work as long as thou hast breath,15
And fight,—till it be night once more.16
Blow, winds of March ! Awake, and blow17
Far off all wintry cloud and cold.18
Shine, sun of March ! Beneath thy glow19
The gray world turns to green and gold.20
For ever young, for ever gay,21
Spring comes with music and with mirth ;22
She scatters gladness on her way,23
And brings immortal youth to earth.24
Illustration contains two scenes that blend into one another. At the top are a number
of men on horseback in a field. There
are trees in the background. At the bottom is a large body of water with multiple
sections of land. The water is placed at the very
bottom of the illustration so that the sky stretches upwards. The poem is placed within
a single-ruled rectangular border in the
middle of the illustration and is a separate graphic unit. There are plants on either
side of the poem’s border. Full-page
illustration contained within a single-ruled rectangular border.