Nativity scene. A haloed virgin Mary in robes kneels and leans over the baby Christ
who is sleeping in a trough filled with
straw. The baby is illuminated. Full-page illustration.
A singing robin perches on a cluster of branches of holly and mistletoe. The illustration
weaves around and behind the periodical
title in the masthead for this number. Full page width and approximately 1/3 page
A Christmas Song.

Come, let us
sing !1
Sing the great Warrior’s birth,2
Who fought and fell3
To ransom Sons of Earth4
From Powers of Hell !5
Sing for the King !6
Come, Robin, join the Choir !7
Pipe from the naked bough, with heart o’ fire,8
Thy note of jubilee ;9
For man, and bird, and beast10
Must keep the feast11
Of Him whose loaf hath many a crumb for thee !12
Sing, happy Mothers, ye who know13
Somewhat of Mary’s joy without her woe ;14
And as ye lull your little ones to rest,15
Bethink ye of the Cradle in the Stall,16
And sing a welcome to the Heir of all,17
Who wept a Babe upon a woman’s breast.18

Sing, Shepherds, as ye keep19
Cold vigils in the fold,20
And while ye tend the bleating sheep21
Sing, till the starlit plain22
Re-echo to the Strain23
Which Angels sang to comfort men of old.24
And O ye Sages wise !25
Ye men of merchandize !26
Leave ye the market place for one glad day—27
Fling down the burden, be it cross or crown,28
As the song soars, down with Earth’s barriers, down !29
Come, let us pray !30