Figure descriptions
Hand-drawn poem title “The Owl-d Homestead” curves around the top of an owl’s plumage.
The owl faces the viewer. Feathers
appear to extend out from the owl and around its body. 1/4 page.
Anthropomorphic illustration of an owl wearing glasses and reading a newspaper. 1/6
Anthropomorphic illustration of an owl reading a sign that hangs from a tree. Some
words on the sign are illegible, but the
Anthropomorphic illustration of two owls sitting across from one another at a desk.
The owl behind the desk writes with a
quill. There is an ink pot next to him. The second owl wears glasses and watches the
first owl. 1/8 page.
Anthropomorphic illustration of two owls embracing each other. 1/32 page.
Anthropomorphic illustration of two owls. One owl cries and holds a handkerchief up
to its eyes. The second owl watches the
crying owl from behind. 1/32 page.
Anthropomorphic illustration of a group of owls gathered together in front of a hearth.
At the forefront of the illustration,
one owl kneels and proposes to another owl. The rest of the owls watch the proposal.
1/3 page.
Anthropomorphic illustration of an owl sitting at a writing desk. A piece of parchment
is placed on the desk and a quill flies
from the hand of the owl. The owl looks in shock at the skeleton of a bird that stands
before it. The skeleton wears a cape and
holds a sword. Another owl ducks behind the skeleton’s cape and controls its movements.
1/8 page.
Anthropomorphic illustration of multiple owls holding lanterns and walking through
a wooded area. There are feathers on the
ground at the forefront of the illustration. 1/8 page.
Anthropomorphic illustration of an owl running away from an open door. Its wings are
stretched out behind its body and it
looks over its shoulder. 1/8 page.
Anthropomorphic illustration of multiple owls gathered in a domestic space. One owl
sits in front of the hearth, turned away
from the viewer. A second owl stands over the first one and holds a drink out on a
tray. Two owls embrace and walk away from the
hearth. A larger owl that wears glasses stands at the left side of the illustration
and watches the other owls. A smaller owl stands
beside the bespectacled owl and looks up toward it. 1/8 page.