“ Peace ! peace ! swelling trump that re-
The praises to victory given !2
Let the harp, with the chords that are
Sound softly— ‘ The banner of heaven !4
Oh bring forth the cross-bearing
banner !5
banner !5
The banner ! the banner of heaven !6
“ Never blood of the vanquish’d imbrued
it :7
it :7
Those drops from the Victor did flow ;8
And the tears that alone have bedew’d it9
Were shed o’er the wounds of a foe.10
There is victory dwells in the banner11
Of the Leader that bled for his foe.12
“ Yon standard, inwoven with flowers13
From the groves where sages have trod,14
And from Paradise too—how it towers !15
’Tis all, save the banner of God.16
Oh give us the banner !—the banner !17
Bring forth the true banner of God !18
“ Whence came that fierce zeal that is
That would call down the flame from
above ?20
above ?20
Proud spirits their missiles are
ing :—21
ing :—21
Ah, where is the banner of love ?22
The banner !— oh bring forth the
banner !23
banner !23
Bring forth the mild banner of love !24

“ There are songs that break forth at its
As of warblers when dawning is bright ;26
And hark ! lo, the night-bird is scream-
As he flies from the banner of light.28
’Tis holiness beams from the banner :29
It breathes round the banner of light.30
“ Hurl it not where the trampler hath
found it :31
found it :31
Serene to the breeze be it given ;32
And soft airs shall whisper around it,33
‘ This sure is the banner of heaven !’34
Unfurl then—unfurl all the banner !35
Every fold !— ’tis the banner of hea-
ven !”36
ven !”36