The Flying Cloud.

Cloud ! following sunwards o’er the evening sky,1
Take thou my soul upon thy folds, and fly,2
Swifter than light, invisible as air,3
Fly—where, ah, where ?4
—Stay—where my soul would stay ; then melt and fall,5
Like tears at night-time shed, unseen by all ;6
As some sad spirit had been wandering round7
The garden’s bound—8
Wandering, yet never finding rest nor calm ;9
Wounded and faint, yet asking not for balm ;10
Sick with dull fear lest joy’s long-closèd gate11
May ope—too late !12
Cloud ! sailing westward tinged with purple dye,13
Mocking me, as all helplessly I lie ;14
ah, cloud !— my longing erred ; for me were best15
Another rest.16
Then lift me with thee to those fields of air17
Where earth grows dim, and upward, upward bear,18
Till angels meet us with their wings of fire19
That never tire.20
Then, standing meekly at Heaven’s golden door,21
Filled, where I thirsted—rich, where once so poor,22
I shall forget—ah ! only, only pain ;23
Love will remain !24
And sometimes, sweeping down on wings unfurled,25
To work Heaven’s unseen work throughout the world,26
A happy spirit shall come wandering round27
The garden’s bound ;28
Dropping—not tears, but blessings ; heavenly-willed,29
Fulfilling what in life was ne’er fulfilled ;30
Since with the last great change the veil was torn,31
And Love was born.32