The River.

Beneath this fair unclouded sky,1
How sweetly glides the tranquil river !2
Each scene of beauty passing by,3
To ocean’s breast it flows for ever.4
Now in the sunshine sparkling, bright,5
Hid now awhile in deepest shade ;6
Through calm, through storm, by day, by night,7
Alike its onward course is made.8
Here with the willow-bough it plays,9
There gently sports with weed or flower,10
Yet nought its onward course delays,11
Nought stays the progress of each hour.12
When all the world is hushed in sleep,13
Unchecked, it holds its constant way,14
What time the stilly hours creep15
From lonesome night to busy day.16
As tends this river to the sea,17
So every thought and word should tend18
Unto that blest eternity19
Wherein mortality shall end.20
Men, mourn not if for life’s brief years21
Barren hath been the path we’ve trod,22
If it avail, ’mid joy and tears,23
To bring us nearer to our God.24