A Last Look.

Good-night, pretty sleepers of mine—1
I never shall see you again :2
Ah, never in shadow nor shine ;3
Ah, never in dew nor in rain !4
In your small dreaming-dresses of white,5
With the wild-bloom you gathered to-day6
In your quiet shut hands, from the light7
And the dark you will wander away.8
Though no graves in the bee-haunted grass9
And no love in the beautiful sky10
Shall take you as yet, you will pass,11
With this kiss, through these tear-drops. Good-
With less gold and more gloom in their hair,13
When the buds near have faded to flowers,14
Three faces may wake here as fair—15
But older than yours are, by hours !16
Good-night, then, lost darlings of mine—17
I never shall see you again :18
Ah, never in shadow nor shine ;19
Ah, never in dew nor in rain !20