The Benefactress.

Who asks if I remember thee ? or speak thy
treasured name ?1
treasured name ?1
Doth the frail rush forget the stream, from whence
its greenness came ?2
its greenness came ?2
Doth the wild, lonely flower that sprang in some
rude, rocky dell,3
rude, rocky dell,3
Forget the first awakening smile, that on its bosom
fell ?4
fell ?4
Did Israel’s exiled sons, when far from Zion’s hill
Forget the high and holy house, where first they
learned to pray ?6
learned to pray ?6
Forget, around their temple’s wreck, to roam in
mute despair,7
mute despair,7
And o’er its hallowed ashes pour a grief that none
might share ?8
might share ?8

Remember thee ! Remember thee ! though many
a year hath fled9
a year hath fled9
Since o’er thy pillow cold and low the uprooted
turf was spread,10
turf was spread,10
Yet still doth twilight’s musing hour thy graceful
form restore,11
form restore,11
And morning breathe thy music tone, like Mem-
non’s harp of yore.12
non’s harp of yore.12
The simple cap that deck’d thy brow is still to
Memory dear,13
Memory dear,13
Her faithful echoes keep thy song that lulled my
infant ear ;14
infant ear ;14
The book, from which my lisping tongue was by
thy kindness taught,15
thy kindness taught,15
Returns with all its lettered lines illumed with
hues of thought.16
hues of thought.16
The flowers, the dear familiar flowers, that in thy
garden grew,17
garden grew,17
From whence thy mantel-vase was filled, methinks
they breathe anew ;18
they breathe anew ;18
Again the whispering lily bends, and ope yon lips
of rose,19
of rose,19
As if some message of thy love they lingered to
disclose !20
disclose !20
’Tis true that more than fourscore years
bowed thy beauty low,21
bowed thy beauty low,21

And mingled with thy cup of life full many a cup
of woe,22
of woe,22
But yet, thou had’st a higher charm than youthful
bloom hath found,23
bloom hath found,23
And balm, within thy chastened heart, to heal
another’s wound.24
another’s wound.24
Remember thee ! Remember thee ! though with
the blest on high,25
the blest on high,25
Thou hast a mansion of delight, unseen by mortal
Comes not thy wing to visit me, in the deep watch
of night,27
of night,27
When visions of unuttered things do make my
sleep so bright ?28
sleep so bright ?28
I feel thy love within my breast, it nerves me
strong and high,29
strong and high,29
As cheers the wanderer on the deep the pole-star
in the sky,30
in the sky,30
And when my weary spirit quails, or friendship’s
smile is cold,31
smile is cold,31
I feel thine arm around me thrown, as oft it was
of old.32
of old.32