Isaiah XXXIII. 17.

Thine eyes shall see ! Yes, thine, who, blind erewhile,1
Now trembling towards the new-found light dost flee;2
Leave doubting, and look up with trustful smile—3
Thine eyes shall see !4
Thine eyes shall see ! Not in some dream Elysian,5
Not in thy fancy, glowing though it be,6
Not e’en in faith, but in unveilèd vision,7
Thine eyes shall see !8
Thine eyes shall see ! Not on thyself depend9
God’s promises, the faithful, firm, and free ;10
Ere they shall fail, earth, heaven itself, must end :11
Thine eyes shall
see !12
Thine eyes shall see ! Not in a swift glance cast,13
Gleaning one ray to brighten memory,14
But while a glad eternity shall last,15
Thine eyes shall see !16
Thine eyes shall see
the King ! The very same17
Whose love shone forth upon the curseful tree,18
Who bore thy guilt, who calleth thee by name,19
Thine eyes shall see !20
Thine eyes shall see the King ! the mighty One,21
The Many-crown’d, the Light-enrobed ; and He22
Shall bid thee share the kingdom He hath won.23
Thine eyes shall see !24
And in His beauty ! Stay thee, mortal song,25
The “ altogether lovely” One must be26
Unspeakable in glory,—yet erelong27
Thine eyes shall see !28
Yes ! though the land be “ very far” away,29
A step, a moment, ends the toil for thee ;30
Then, changing grief for gladness, night for day,31
Thine eyes shall see !32