Hero Harold

Figure descriptions
A man (Hero Harold) lies on a beach with his head in a woman’s lap. The woman (Ebba) cradles Harold’s head and looks down at him. Her hair flies in the wind. Harold’s row boat lies behind a rock in the background. There is a body of water lined with hills in the distance. 1/4-page illustration contained within a single-ruled border.
A man (Harold) and a veiled woman (Ebba) link arms and stand before their wedding altar. Ebba wears a veil and a flowing gown. Harold wears a tunic and a decorative belt. He also rests a sword at his left side. Multiple men watch them from the distance. Full-page illustration contained within a single-ruled border.
A man (Harold) lies on his side on the ground and rests his hands in the lap of a woman (Ebba). Ebba is seated; she holds Harold’s hands with her left hand and strokes his head with her right hand. Harold gazes upward to look in her eyes. The couple are seated in a garden with trees. 1/4-page illustration contained within a single-ruled border.