Fairy Jane.
(For Music.)

Teasing, pleasing Fairy Jane,1
Warbling through the sunny weather,2
With a voice like linnet’s strain,3
With a heart like buoyant feather.4
Jane has lips of cherry hue,5
Cheeks like peaches, fair and waxen,6
Laughing eyes of summer blue,7
Rippling ringlets, soft and flaxen.8
Pure as light—where’er she treads9
All the fragrant air grows sweeter,10
Sister flower-buds raise their heads11
With a radiant smile to greet her.12
Wealth laid down his precious gains,13
Hoping in his thrall to bind her ;14
But she, snapping golden chains,15
Cast the shining links behind her.16
Wisdom passing, paused to gaze—17
Left his lore and followed after,18
But she, knowing Wisdom’s ways,19
Shattered all his plans with laughter.20
Then Love came with footsteps coy—21
Offered her a slender blossom,22
Though she chid the backward boy,23
Now she wears it in her bosom.24