Sursum Corda

Figure descriptions
View of a cluster of branches with a dense canopy of flowers and leaves. Illustration is set in a line with the poem’s second and third illustrations; it occupies one quarter of the page width. Illustration is contained within a single-ruled border.
A large house stands beside a small body of water. There are tall grasses and trees around the water’s edge and beside the house. Multiple indistinct figures stand in the background. Illustration is set in a line with the poem’s first and third illustrations; it occupies the second two quarters of the page width. Illustration is contained within a single-ruled border.
A close-up view of flowers, buds, and grasses. Illustration is set in a line with the poem’s first and second illustrations; it occupies the final quarter of the page width. Illustration is contained within a single-ruled border.
A close-up view of thistles. Illustration is contained within a square single-ruled border.