The Revenge of Æsop.
Imitated from Phædrus.

A blockhead once a stone at Æsop threw :1
‘ A better marksman, friend, I never knew,’2
Exclaimed the wit, and gaily rubbed his leg ;3
‘ A hand so dexterous neer will come to beg.4
‘ Excuse these pence ; how poor I am, you know !5
‘ If I give these, what would the rich bestow ?6
‘ Look, look ! that well-drest gentleman you see ;7
‘ Quick, prove on him the skill misspent on me !8
‘ Here, take the stone. Be cool—a steadfast eye—9
‘ And make your fortune with one lucky shy.’10
The blockhead took the counsel of the wit ;11
He poised the pebble, and his mark he hit.12
‘ Arrest the traitor ! He has struck the king !’13
And Æsop, smiling, saw the ruffian swing.14