Written in the Steamer, on Leaving Constantinople.

Proud Stamboul’s gay and gilded domes recede, 1
Making the horizon precious as they part !—2
Farewell !— it is with a reluctant heart3
I bid farewell to thee !— true home, indeed, 4
Of beauty and delight! With envious speed
The fire-barque* on its foamy way doth dart, 6
Leaving thy shores, all loveliest that thou art, 7
Swift as the arrowy, air-hurled, light jereed ! 8
Queen of the East !— complexioned with the sun !—9
How doth thy beauty chain the soul to thee !— 10
On earth thy mighty pomp is matched by none, 11
Enchantress of the land and of the sea !— 12
Thou that wert formed, thou first and fairest one, 13
The Circe of two Worlds—two Elements to be !14
* The Turks at first called steam-boats Ateche-gemin
“ fire-ships.”