Two Partings.

We parted once before. You wept1
When I rose up to go, you did ;2
You pray’d for me before you slept,3
You little love, you know you did !4
And no grief now is on that brow,5
Which then, you said, throbb’d so, you did ;6
You loved me better then than now,—7
You cruel thing, you know you did !8
Do you remember what the sea,9
I took you out to show you, did ? 10
You made a pretty simile ;11
You false of tongue, you know you did !12
You sighed, “ That life were like its crests13
When sunshine breezes blow,” you did14
“ To catch love’s light before it rests !”15
You cold, cold heart, you know you did.16
What have I done ? You smile no more17
On me as months ago you did ;18
You deem my homage now a bore ;19
You like it then, you know you did.20
“ How blest,” you said, “ were life with one21
Who’d love one truly !” O, you did !22
But—you thought I was an elder son,—23
You utter flirt, you know you did !24