Figure descriptions
Multi-part, full-page illustration. The hand-drawn poem title, “Birthday Salutation
To Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Sent him August
6th, 1889.” is placed at the top of the page. It is split into the three lines. The
first and last letters of the first line,
“Birthday Salutation”, connects to a full-page, single-ruled border. This border is
surrounded by a thicker border, which is filled
with a pattern of shaded circles. Below the title, at the left side of the page, a
portrait of Alfred Lord Tennyson is shown in
profile view. It is surrounded by a circular border. Foliage emerges from behind the
circular border and descends toward the
center-right portion of the page, where the second part of the illustration is located.
In this part, a knight rides a saddled
horse. The knight is dressed in full armour and carries a lance. A second knight charges
at him on horseback from behind the
foliage. The third part of the illustration is placed in the lower-left corner. In
this part, two birds fly low over a body of
water. A boat also sails on the water. Buildings and trees line the distant shore.
The first three numbered sections of the poem
letterpress are divided and placed throughout the illustration.
Multi-part, full-page illustration. The top-left part of the illustration shows a
bird perched on a branch. It turns away from
the viewer. The bird is surrounded by leaves and branches. The fourth numbered section
of the poem letterpress is placed to the
right of this illustrated part. Below this section of letterpress, a woman sits outdoors,
surrounded by foliage. The fifth and sixth
numbered sections of the poem letterpress are placed to the left of the seated woman.
In the bottom-left corner of the page, a man
and a woman stand close together. They are surrounded by a fence, trees, and foliage.
A waxing crescent moon is in the sky. The
seventh numbered section of the poem letterpress and the byline are placed to the
right. Illustration is contained within a
multi-part border. The exterior part of the border is filled with a pattern of shaded