The Keepsake (Keepske) 1857

A literary annual (1827-1857), edited by a series of high profile figures including the Countess of Blessington and Frederic Mansell Reynolds. Illustrated poetry in The Keepsake was written for expensive engravings of paintings, so that the poem illustrated the picture.

Poems appearing in this periodical


Total poems: 19
Poem title Poet(s) Date Vol etc. Transcribed? id #
On the Portrait of Lady Molesworth Chorley, Henry F. 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 1–2 no 5756
Love and Wisdom Jackson, Henry Kains 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 3–5 no 5757
Dream On Forsayth, Thomas Gifford 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 45–46 no 5758
Bread Upon the Waters Shipton, Anna (née Savage) 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 73–74 no 5759
Amy’s Cruelty Browning, Elizabeth Barrett 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 75–76 no 5760
The Communion of the Doomed Thompson, Henry 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 89–91 no 5762
A Petition to F. H. in Favour of a Newly Planted Tree Swain, Charles 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 105–107 no 5763
To an Old Playmate Procter, Bryan Waller (pseudonym Barry Cornwall) 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 114–115 no 5764
England. Verses Suggested by the Portrait of Lady Grey Bennoch, Francis 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 116–117 no 5765
Spirits Michell, Nicholas 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 137–138 no 5766
Lines Addresses to The Rev. J. Montesquieu Bellew, Preacher at St. Philip’s, Waterloo Place Walker, Elizabeth (Eliza) 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 156 no 5767
May and Death Browning, Robert 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 164 yes 5768
The Tale of a Mother. From Hans Christian Anderson Bennett, William Cox 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 180–181 no 5769
On the Portrait of Mrs. Palk. A Thought in the Open Air A Septagenarian 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 182 no 5770
Not Lost, But Gone Before Power, Marguerite Agnes 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 201–206 no 5771
To My Mother. Composed during Illness O’Neill, Alicia Jane (née Sparrow) 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 239 no 5772
Parting and Meeting Power, Marguerite Agnes 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 240 no 5773
The Brill. A Lay of Brighton Yates, Edmund Hodgson 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 254–255 no 5774
The Four Seasons Watts, Alaric Alfred (Alfred A.) (1825-1901) 1857 The Keepsake Volume 1857, Page 271–272 no 5775