All the year round come Godsends evermore,1
Manifold and multiform, like wild flowers2
In summer-time, when warmth and genial showers3
Have made the lanes and meads a broider’d floor,4
Rainbow-hued, bright, and deep-ingrainèd more5
Than hall for dancers’ footing, where the hours6
Bring speedy blur : proudly the foxglove towers,7
Behung with white or purple bells, a store8
Of pyramided beauty ; faintly blush9
Dwarf mallows, lilac, veined with soft threading ;10
Poppies, casting their vivid scarlet flush11
Athwart the golden corn ; umbel-spreading12
Hemlock ; meek-eyed violets, amid the rank13
Tall rampant clamberers up hedge and bank.14