The Bard’s Wish.

Oh were I laid1
In the greenwood shade,2
Beneath the covert of waving trees,3
Removed from woe,4
And the ills below,5
That render life but a long disease !6
No more to weep,7
But in soothing sleep,8
To slumber on long ages through ;9
My grave turf bright10
With the rosy light11
Of eve, or the morning’s silver dew.12
I ask no dirge—13
The foamy surge14
Of the torrent will sing a lament for me ;15
And the evening breeze,16
That stir the trees,17
Will murmur a mournful lullaby.18
Plant not—plant not19
Above the spot,20
Memorial stones for the stranger’s gaze ;21
The earth and sky22
Are enough, for I23
Have lived with nature all my days.24
Oh were I laid25
In the greenwood shade,26
Beneath the covert of waving trees,27
Removed from woe,28
And the ills below,29
That render life but a long disease !30