National Song.

There is no land like England,1
Where’er the light of day be ;2
There are no hearts like English hearts,3
Such hearts of oak as they be.4
There is no land like England,5
Where’er the light of day be ;6
There are no men like Englishmen,7
So tall and bold as they be.8
For the French the Pope may
shrive ’em,9
shrive ’em,9
For the devil a whit we heed ’em :10
As for the French, God speed ’em11
Unto their heart’s desire,12
And the merry devil drive ’em13
Through the water and the fire.14
Full Ch.—
Our glory is our freedom,15
We lord it o’er the sea ;16
We are the sons of freedom,17
We are free.18
There is no land like England,19
Where’er the light of day be ;20
There are no wives like English wives,21
So fair and chaste as they be.22

There is no land like England,23
Where’er the light of day be ;24
There are no maids like English maids,25
So beautiful as they be.26
For the French, &c.27