The world sent forth a stately ship that long in glory sail’d,1
Until against that stubborn hulk the winds of heaven prevail’d ;2
The ship was dash’d upon the shore, the wreck was on the foam,3
Though on the shatter’d stern was seen the boast—Imperial Rome.4
Again the ruin was repair’d, and launch’d upon the main ;5
With blazon’d flags and arms it swept, and was a ship again :6
By thundersound it strove to daunt mankind, and storms, and time,7
And traffic’d long, by force and fraud, in every richest clime.8
Once more it struck against the rocks, beneath the stress of heaven,9
And all its threats and all its wealth along the surge were driven :10
It lies a hulk in slow decay, each dull sea-monster’s home,11
And on the slimy stern is carved the name of Papal Rome.12