The Old Year and the New.

The reign of the Year is drawing to a close !1
Dejected and alone2
The Monarch quits his throne3
For the region of a passionless repose.4
He has dropped from his hand5
His globe of silver sand,6
To whiten our tresses as he goes ;7
His pall has been spread8
With holly-berries red,9
And his shroud has been woven from the snows.10
Who o’er the hills of the morning advances,11
Hope in his footstep, and joy in his eyes—12
Lord of the future, Disposer of chances,13
Prophet of pleasure, and Soother of sighs ?14
This is the son and the heir of the Dead—15
This is the king who shall reign in his stead.16
Ho ! Brothers, let us sing17
Merry welcome to our king,18
And crown him with a garland of the vine ;19
Let the old strife end,20
And the new love blend21
With the hopes that are sparkling in our wine.22
Full loyally responding to his call,23
Before the revels close,24
And we vanish at the touches of the Morn like the
Hand in hand let us stand one and all,26
To pledge the coming Monarch, who will grant a crown
to those27
to those27
Whom he proves to be Monarchs o’er themselves.28