Rectangular frame featuring several daisies and a stone in a grassy patch. 1/16 page.
I.—The Daisy.

Pretty is it, as we pass,1
To see the daisy in the grass ;2
Day’s-eye, as named of old,3
For closing from the nightly cold.4
You can see them, if you look,5
In the mead, or by the brook,6
Shrunk into a half their size7
When the twilight veils the skies.8
Pretty daisy, silver-fair,9
I would fain thy meekness share—10
Seek to win such honest praise11
As poets give thee all the days.12
I, like thee, would turn away13
From all that is not of the day ;14
I would shrink from strife and ill,15
And ope my heart to goodness still.16