The Minstrel’s Curse.
(From the German of Uhland.)
A young man is lying on the ground with his eyes closed. An older man is kneeling
beside him; he has one hand supporting the
younger man’s back and one hand holding the younger man’s hand. There is a crowd of
knights wearing armor with their arms thrust
into the air in the background. Some of the knights are holding spears. Laurel wreaths
are scattered on the ground. 1/2
page illustration contained within a single-ruled border.

In days of old a castle stood high and proud to view,1
Over the landscape shining, far as the ocean blue,2
Wreath’d all around with gardens, where ’mid the
fragrant flowers,3
fragrant flowers,3
The air was cool’d by fountains, sparkling in rainbow
There sat a haughty monarch, in lands and conquests
Upon his throne, wan-visaged, he sat in sullen state ;6
His thoughts are all of horrors, his eyes are bright with
rage ;7
rage ;7
His words they fall like scourges ; he writes, blood
stains the page.8
stains the page.8
Once came there to his castle a noble minstrel pair,9
The locks of one were golden—silver the other’s hair ;10
With harp the old man journey’d, a stately horse
His blooming comrade gaily walk’d by the horse’s side.12
The old bespoke the younger : “ Prepare, my son,
make choice13
make choice13
Of all our songs the deepest—attune thy fullest voice—14
Exert thy utmost power—of joy and sorrow sing :15
Our aim must be to waken the hard heart of the king.”16
Within the Hall of Columns now the two minstrels
Upon his throne the monarch, his queen at his right
hand ;18
hand ;18
The king all dread and stately—a blood red Northern
The queen all sweet and gentle—a full moon shining
The greybeard struck the harp-strings, he struck them
wondrous well,21
wondrous well,21
Upon the ear they sounded with rich and richer
swell ;22
swell ;22
Then came the youth’s voice gushing—so heav’nly clear
it rang,23
it rang,23
And, like a spirit chorus, between the old man sang.24
They sang of love and spring-time, of happy golden
Of truth and manly honour—they sang in freedom’s
They sang of all things lofty, they sang of all things
That make men’s bosoms quiver, that make men’s
hearts to beat.28
hearts to beat.28

Around, their sports forgetting, gather’d the courtier
crowd :29
crowd :29
The haughty warriors, humbled, before their Maker
bow’d ;30
bow’d ;30
The queen herself was melted by tales of joys and
And threw down to the singers, pluck’d from her
breast, a rose.32
breast, a rose.32
“ My folk you have enchanted : charm you my wife to
boot ?”33
boot ?”33
The monarch cried, with fury he shook from head to
Then hurl’d his sword, that, flashing, the young man’s
bosom tore,35
bosom tore,35
Whence, ’stead of golden music, issued a stream of gore.36
The list’ners all were scatter’d (as when a storm alarms),37
The youth breathed out his spirit, clasp’d in his master’s
arms ;38
arms ;38
The corpse within his mantle he wrapp’d, and bound it
Upright upon his palfrey, and from the castle pass’d.40
Before the lofty portals the grey-hair’d minstrel stands,41
His harp, of harps the treasure, he seizes in his
And ’gainst a marble column he casts it with a cry43
Through castle and through gardens that echoes awfully :44
“ Woe to you, halls so haughty ! Never let music-
Re-echo through thy vaultings, nor harp nor song,
again !46
again !46
Let sighs and groanings only for ever bear the sway,47
Until th’ avenging angel has crush’d you in decay !48
“ Woe to you, fragrant gardens, in golden light of May,49
This dead man’s face disfigured I show to you this day :50
That you at it may wither, that every well may
That you from hence for ever a stony waste may
lie !52
“ Woe to you, curs’d assassin ! of minstrelsy the bane !53
Be all thy blood-stain’d struggles for glory’s wreath in
vain !54
vain !54
Thy name be it forgotten in night without an end,55
And like a last death-rattle with empty vapour blend !”56
The minstrel old had spoken, and heaven had heard his
cry ;57
cry ;57
The halls are all in ruins, the walls all prostrate lie ;58
Witness of pride long vanish’d still stands one column
And this, already shatter’d, to-night to earth may fall.60
Instead of fragrant gardens, a desert heather-land !61
No tree gives shade, no fountain comes welling through
the sand :62
the sand :62
No songs, no hero-stories, the monarch’s name re-
For ever lost, forgotten !— Such is the Minstrel’s Curse !64