Four Quatrains

Ye cannot cheat the Master of your fate !1
Proclaim the goal to which your feet are set,2
He who knows all is the Compassionate,3
Often His wisdom prompts Him to forget.4
A fleuron glyph is centered between the first and second quatrains.
Why weep for days irrevocably dead,5
For flaunting hopes in envious battle slain ?6
The bravest soldier frankly looks ahead,7
Knowing he dare not fight the past again.8
A fleuron glyph is centered between the second and third quatrains.
To-night old poets through the city go,9
Doors shake and windows rattle at their tread,10
The empty streets are noisy with the woe11
Of sad immortals banished to the dead.12
A fleuron glyph is centered between the third and fourth quatrains.
The future lies before us rich with gold,13
Only the foolish backward gaze and fret :14
What laughter lurks in stories still untold,15
What solemn songs await the singer yet !16