The Children of Lir

Figure descriptions
Three swans swim on the surface of a body of water. Plants grow out of the water along the banks. A tree canopy hangs over the water in the foreground at the right side of the illustration. Full-page illustration contained within a medium-weight, single-ruled border on the left, top, and right edges.
Three-part illustration. The boundaries among illustrated parts are blurred. In the first part, the illustrated poem title appears in hand-drawn serif lettering at the top of the periodical page. It is superimposed over landscape scenery, featuring a long stretch of sand-dunes and dark clouds. The second part appears below and to the left of this scene. It features a heron standing in a shallow body of water. Grasses grow in the water and tall grasses line the shore. The third part, an illustrated initial letter, is nestled between the first and second parts. It features the initial letter “O” from the poem’s first word, “OUT”. The “O” comes to points at the left and right sides, and is superimposed over a leafy plant. The letter and plant are set against a bright white background and contained within a single-ruled rectangular border. 1/3 page.
A flock of birds flies over a lakelet at night. Tall grasses grow in the water and along the shores. The full moon is high in the sky and is slightly obscured by dark clouds. 1/3 page.
Four swans swim on a body of water in the dark. There are multiple lily pads on the surface in the foreground of the illustration. A tree canopy hangs over the water. Illustration descends the left side of the periodical page and curls along the bottom edge. 1/3 page.
Facsimile of Katharine Tynan’s signature in hand-drawn cursive lettering. 1/64 page.
Two-part illustration. The boundary between illustrated parts are blurred. In the first part, three swans swim on a body of water in the dark. Tall grasses grow in the water and along the banks. This part is partially contained within a rectangular border on the left, top, and right edges. The illustration extends beyond the top-right corner. In the second part, the full moon rises high in the sky, ascending the periodical page on the right side. The moon is partially obscured by dark clouds, which fade to light at the edges of the illustration. 1/4 page.