From Home to Home.

Come to meet me early, my own,1
While the dew is yet on the grass,2
When the sky and the leaves alone3
Will look on your face as you pass.4
A few of the flowers of the May5
Are all you will need to bring,6
We will both of us meet you half way,7
Where the hawthorn hangs over the
A man and woman sit together in a forest while holding hands. They gaze into each
other’s eyes. The
man’s hat lies on the ground in front of him. There is a clipping of flowers in the
lap. 3/4-page illustration contained within a single-ruled border.
My sister will help you to tie9
The frail flowers in your wonderful hair,10
It will make them happy to die,11
Though they hide the gold of it there.12
I have not bidden a guest,13
A stranger, to see how we wed :14
Come alone, dear, is it not best ?15
Your mother, my mother are dead.16

The church will be dim, my sweet,17
Too dim for your eyes to see18
The light of the angels’ feet,19
Who are waiting there envious of me.20
Are you not almost afraid21
To face the inscrutable eyes22
Of their presence, which broods in the shade23
When the air and the sunshine dies ?24
I do not wish them away,25
They have soothed me often in sorrow ;26
But I tremble at all things to-day,27
You will make me so happy to-morrow.28
And I shall not feel safe, not quite,29
Nor able to love you at ease,30
Till we are alone in the light31
With God and the sun and the trees,32
And the balmy, bloomy weather33
Will searce set my spirit free34
Till we are at home together,35
Till you are at home with me,36
There, darling, I know it is wrong,37
But yet it is almost a pain,38
I shall have you all my life long,39
We shall never keep tryst again.40
Make my bed some day in the shade,41
Under the hawthorn here ;42
I shall sleep, do not be afraid,43
With you to dream about, dear.44
The sun does not beat here yet,45
Before he begins to beat46
You will plant me, do not forget,47
A lilac bush at my feet,48
The ferns will grow behind,49
And the primroses between :50
And in autumn the sighing wind51
Will know that the ground is green,52
And you will know it love, too,53
Whenever you go that way ;54
But I shall not see what you do,55
And I shall not hear what you say.56
On Sundays the folk will go by,57
And think of each other and heaven ;58
You will think of me, and I59
Shall think of the love you have given.60
You will think of what I shall be,61
I shall think of all you have been :62
And after—enough for me63
To think the ground will be green.64
Earth to earth, it is true,65
It will surely come to pass,66
I give myself now to you ;67
I shall give myself to the grass.68
Does the sun make you knit your brow ?69
We women are not like men ;—70
I can keep nothing from you now,71
I can keep nothing for you then.72
Love, fear, and a little mirth,73
And the lilac and hawthorn tree,74
And the things that have root in earth,75
Are all that is better for me.76
For we dream of love to-day,77
And we dream of death to-morrow ;78
One dream is a joy you say ;79
Is the other quite a sorrow ?80
But when the night is past,81
With its dreams which I cannot sever,82
I shall wake with you at last,83
With you for ever and ever.84
Symmetrical tailpiece features a decorated horned head with a foliate pattern emerging
from an open
mouth on either side. 1/32 page.