A Song from “ The Loves of the Wrens.”*

Where is an - o - ther sweet as my sweet !1
Such an - o - ther be - neath the sky,2
Fine lit - tle hands, Fine lit - tle feet,3
Fine lit - tle heart and de - wy blue eye. 4
Shall I write to her ? Shall I go ?5
Ask her to mar - ry me bye and bye ?6
Some - bo - dy said that she’d say no,7
But some - bo - dy knows that she’ll say ay,8
Ay, ay, Ay ay, Ay ay ! . . . . .9
* “ The Window ; or, The Loves of the Wrens,” Twelve Musical Compositions by Mr. Arthur Sullivan to Words written
for him by Mr. Tennyson, is just published by Strahan & Co.
Ah . . my la - dy, if ask’d to her face,10
Might say no, for she is but shy,11
Fly, lit - tle let - ter, a - pace, a - pace,12
Down to the light in the val - ley fly.13
Fly to the light in the val - ley be - low,14
Tell my wish to her dew - y blue eye,15
For some bo - dy said that she’d say no,16
But she won’t say no, And I’ll tell you why,17
She will say Ay, ay, ay ! . . . . .18
A woman positioned in profile leans forward to untie a letter that has been fastened to a dog’s neck. The dog looks up toward her left shoulder. The woman and the dog stand in front of a stone wall which is decorated with plants. Flowers peak out from the left side of the frame. Full-page illustration contained in a single-ruled border.