Jenstad, Janelle

Surname: Jenstad
Forename(s): Janelle
(English 500 participants, fall 2014)

Poems associated with this person

Total poems: 15
Poem title Date Periodical Roles id #
Verses 1829 The Keepsake Markup Editor, Editor 2957
The Round Tower at Jhansi.—June 8, 1857 1859-08-13 Once a Week Editor 207
Love’s Photograph 1861-01-19 Once a Week Editor 428
The Old Chartist 1862-02-08 Once a Week Editor 878
The Fairies. (Translated from the German of Heinrich Heine) 1862-03-29 Once a Week Editor 890
The Vizier’s Parrot 1864-04-02 Once a Week Markup Editor, Editor 573
Shelley’s Heart. To Edward John Trelawny 1871-03 The Dark Blue Editor 161
Gusty Weather. Triolet 1889-03 Woman’s World Editor 664
The Shearing at the Stepping-Stones 1889-05 Woman’s World Editor 668
A Morning Meeting. Villanelle 1889-06 Woman’s World Editor 669
Amabel at Work. Triolet 1889-08 Woman’s World Editor 676
A Complaint. Rondel 1889-09 Woman’s World Editor 679
Christmas Eve 1889-10 Woman’s World Editor 682
A Grey Day 1889-10 Woman’s World Editor 680
A Sketch in Water-Colours (To a Friend in the South) 1892-07 Victorian Magazine Editor 1538