Poems whose dominant rhyme scheme is: -abba

Total poems: 10
Poem title Poet(s) Date Periodical id #
To Dicky Gossip. While he thinks of tittle-tattle, not to forget his wiggery St. Barbe, Roger Frampton 1820-12 Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine 9029
To My Dream-Child Craik, Dinah 1850-06-22 Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal 6076
A Dream Craik, Dinah 1850-11-23 Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal 6096
God’s Horologe E. G. H. (poet; English Woman’s Journal) 1860-06-01 The English Woman’s Journal 1652
A “Mercenary” Marriage Craik, Dinah 1863-01-17 All the Year Round 2913
Making Poetry Havergal, Francis Ridley 1867-04-01 Good Words 1859
Under the Mango 1880-06-26 All the Year Round 4550
Cloudy Skies Gillington, May Clarissa (Byron) 1889-04 Woman’s World 665
The Maiden’s Heart and the Ocean Eliot, Marynx 1890 Woman’s World 1056
Song Henley, William Ernest 1896 Pageant 1090