Figure descriptions
Plants, stakes, and ribbons form a full border around the poem page. Stalks of grain
with long, wide leaves ascend the left
side of the page, forming the left edge of the border. A lily plant with a long, thick
stem grows to the right of the grain. Three
lilies bloom at the top of the page. A stake forms the right edge of the border. A
ribbon is wrapped around the full length of the
stake. It is tied in knots at the top and bottom extremities. The ribbon crosses the
top edge of the illustration, and is tied to
the top of the lily stem. This portion of ribbon forms the top edge of the border.
A banner with the hand-drawn poem title is
wrapped around this portion of ribbon. It unravels and descends the page. The same
ribbon also crosses the bottom part of the
illustration, forming the final border edge. The hand-drawn poet text is appears within
the border at the center of the
illustration. It is superimposed upon the aforementioned plants. The first letter
of each line is drawn with thicker, darker lines.
A small insect flies between the two poem sections. The sun shines on the horizon
at the bottom of the page. Full page.